
Sunday, December 2, 2012

WORKOUT 3: "Bertie's Dirty 30"

It is time to have a themed workout with a BUNCH of 3's, in honor of work out number 3. I have decided to bring to you "Bertie's Dirty Thirty"! Now, before you go all ballistic on me, I want you to think about how nice I was not to give you ANY burpees in this work out;) It will be the ONLY time I show mercy in my dirty thirty work out. You can thank me later.  Here is the break down of the work out:


1. Single Leg Froggers (30 reps on each leg)
2. Jumping Jacks
3. Tri-Pike Press
4. Bicycles
5. Jumping Jacks
6. Bridges
7. Arnold Presses
8. Sit Ups
9. Jumping Jacks

You will do each exercise 30 times before moving onto the next one.
Single Leg Froggers- you will do 30 reps on each leg.
Bicycles you will count "1" every time you come back to the right leg.
I do not have a video for jumping jacks because I feel like it is a very basic exercise and I know everyone can do it.

You will complete at LEAST 2 rounds - if you are REALLY feeling strong, feel free to go in for a third.

You can do it!! Let me know how many rounds you completed and if this work out gave you crazy hair;)

Burn it up!!


  1. Killer! But I feel so AMAZING!!! I did 2 sets. I think I could have done one more if I hadn't done Sundays workout this morning! Awesome!

  2. 2 rounds done! Feeling the burn!

    1. I love it when I hear you are feelin' the burn!! Awesome job!

  3. Got my 2 rounds in along with an hour of my pilates class today! This one felt good!

    1. Awesome job Autumn!! You are doing fantastic:)

  4. this was so hard after the tabata trimmmer. loving the burn!

    1. Whoop! Great job Samm! And yes- it would be very difficult after my Tabata Trimmer- so even BETTER job for doing both:)

  5. Got my two rounds in! Then jump roped for another 8 minutes and did 5 minutes of ab work.

    1. I love it Debbie!! Great job!:) Jump rope is a GREAT additional work out!

  6. Replies
    1. Whooop!! Keep it up Jen- you are rockin' it!

  7. Did 3 rounds last night- love the Arnolds :)

    1. I love it Ashley! Pushing past your limits:)

  8. Hey Bertinator... I have to be honest...I was sooooooo sore yesterday from the first two workouts that I had to take a day off and just did a 2 mile walk in place of... BUT today I am doubling up to make up for it.... I LOVED THIS WORKOUT!! Really the bridges are what I feel the most and of course those sit ups too... Thanks again Bertie for being such an inspiration!!! VIVA EJERCICIO!!!!

    1. Awwww- it is comments like these why I keep doing what I do, and why I LOVE it!! Great job Roxy- and I'm glad you are feelin it:)

  9. So, I did 2 rounds! BUT, I only made it through about 25 instead of 30 of everything! I know I'm a couple days behind, but I'm still doing stuff! It's hard being a single mom of an almost-3-yr-old, working all day, then trying to get stuff done! But I'm loving it!

    1. Sonya-- I agree- it is hard to work out period- but throw on top of that being a single working mom, and it seems as though you could use any excuse in the book and people would understand! So- I am SO proud of you!! Great job girl! And 25 of everything is a LOT better then just sitting on the couch;) Keep it up!

  10. Loved this one. I did 3 rounds because I missed yesterday. I'm a hot mess . . . literally!

    1. Yeah!! Great job Kyla! You are awesome!! I kind of live for hot messes- so expect to get that way a lot!! Haha;)

  11. I did only one round...had to do the upper body Batman right at least i did one dirty 30s..

    1. Haha- Kira! Great job! One is definitely hard enough- and way to get 2 done in one day:)

  12. Ok I'm lame because I only did one round but I'm trying to catch up and do a few of your work outs today.

    1. One is still better then none!! And attempting more then 1 Bertinator work out- means you have got what it takes:) You go girl!!
